I am a Brand Specialist, Brand Project Manager, amateur photographer, lover of the natural world and a digital nomad.

Sasha the Professional
My professional mission when I choose to accept it, is to ensure that you, as a client, are always putting your best foot forward from a branding and presentation standpoint.My job is to provide you with a comprehensive strategy towards managing and promoting your brand, and to recommend or create the necessary assets you need to get the most out of the investments you make in your brand and marketing materials.
Sasha the Person
My mission in life, when I don’t lose track, is pretty simple. Be kind, explore as much of the world as possible, dive as deep as I can into the things that I love, take some meaningful shots along the way, learn, teach, and remember to be grateful. I don’t always succeed but I’m always trying.

Let´s talk
I’m always looking for new challenges and I love meeting new people. So go ahead and reach out.